The leading university for flexible, innovative teaching and world-leading research in the United Kingdom and in 157 countries worldwide.
Social Work
The Open University
The leading university for flexible, innovative teaching and world-leading research in the United Kingdom and in 157 countries worldwide.
Research objectives
To inform the development & marketing of a new qualification and course, the OU PG Diploma in Social Work
Key research objectives were to explore in depth:
Key issues and themes relevant to employers of social workers
Reactions to the proposed PG Diploma
Interest in the Diploma and likely take up
Depth interviews with employers of social workers
Conducted face to face or by telephone
Conducted by Purple Market Research
All interviews conducted in May & June 2016
Conclusions & Insights
Three main themes emerged from the research.
Employers believe there is a market for the PG Diploma – specifically current (experienced) employees with a degree who wish to qualify as social workers
Some regions (particularly the South West) are very likely to take up
The price and the distance learning elements are selling points
However there is an issue around how many eligible employees there are
There are also other significant barriers to uptake – financial constraints, competitive HEIs, fast track schemes
It will also be necessary to have flexible funding options
Offering indvidual modules for CPD training is another key opportunity